While in Nashville, I stopped at a sweet baby boutique. Somedays, I just like to browse through stores. While in there, the store clerk asked if she could help me find anything. I began explaining that I was adopting from China and I truly had no idea when or what size my baby would be. A lady that was in the store overheard me...isn't it so like God that when I was feeling discouraged about ever meeting my baby, this lady had just weeks before adopted a baby boy! Her baby was a domestic adoption, but her sister had adopted from China. We talked about both processes. It was such a blessing to meet her...and her sweet baby boy.
I found this outfit and fell in love with it...but I didn't buy it...I left. I went and shopped some more...but
I couldn't get this little owl outfit off my mind. Not only did I like it, but I knew that my friend Sydney, who loves owls, would like it as well. She doesn't have a baby...yet. Well, I decided that I could go back and get the outfit. I rationalized the purchase by saying that Emma and Syd's baby could SHARE the outfit. Somehow that made it ok. I can't wait to see BOTH babies in this! Whooo wouldn't think they were cute??
Also, I found this...

I've been looking for curtains or fabric for Emma's room, but just haven't found the perfect thing. This matches it all so beautifully! The yellow and floral fabric is her crib bedding. The green is the fabric of the rocker in her room. I wasn't able to purchase the fabric that day because I had no idea how many yards, but once I find a pattern, I have the sku number to order it! I cannot wait to see it all together. No doubt, there will be pictures to follow!
YAY!!! You are baaaack! LOVE the fabric (and the clothes!) Missed you!
Okay, maybe the only thing better than a cute pair of jammies is a baby boutique. So cute!
I'm a sucker for those stores. And, the fabrics are gorgeous!
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