Today was perfect.
My friends Sydney, Tracy, and I went to Asheville for the day.
The main reason we went was for PF favorite restaurant.
Little did I know the many favorites the day would hold.
After lunch we went downtown to walk around.
Sydney wanted to go to this place and I had to agree that it was well worth it! It's now another favorite!
I came out with a box of truffles, a bag of chocolate covered pretzels, and a peanut butter swirl.
Then...I mean...I was pretty happy already, but there was even more in store. Sydney had heard of a fantastic shoe store...and I was game. I do love shoes. So we went... 
To TOPS...cause we deserve a shoe store like that!
I am pretty certain that Heaven will look a little bit like that store!
There were more shoes....more shoes than I could count!
AND they were 20% off!
All three of us called our moms to ask if we could buy a Christmas present! I tried on more than my many that I felt sorry for our little salesman...and I gave him one of my truffles. I hope he knows what a sacrifice that was! We all left with new shoes...myself with THREE pair!
I am funny about shoes. I am on my feet all day long. It is super important to me to be I am not against spending money on shoes that are well made, comfortable, and healthy for my feet and back. I can't wait for Christmas!
Lunch at PF Changs....$50
Chocolate at Chocolate Fetish...$23
Three pair of shoes from TOPS...$250
A wonderful day with dear friends...PRICELESS!
Thanks to Matt for sharing his wife with me today...
This picture was taken BEFORE Syd told him how much she spent! : )
Just kidding...aren't they a cute couple!?!?!
So true, great great day! Thanks for being such a great friend!
They are a cute couple and it sounds like you all had a fabulous day! Love your cute new shoes!
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