Monday, May 31, 2010

A rough spot...

We had a difficult few moments today.  After church, we met my mom at my favorite Japanese place.  Emma fell asleep in the car and was sleeping pretty good while we waited for a table.  She started waking up and was a little groggy still when the waitress started speaking Chinese to her.  I don't know if it was that she was just waking up or if it was hearing Chinese, but she was beside herself.  There was no comforting her...she didn't want me to hold her...she didn't want me to put her down...she didn't want food or drink...

my heart was breaking for my sweet girl.  I didn't know how to help her.  I decided that we just needed to leave...we left my poor momma there eating alone. 

As we walked to the car I just whispered to her over and over, "You are MINE!"  Almost as soon as we got to the car, it was as if she breathed a sigh of relief.  She started to relax and would even repeat "you are mine"  It was precious! 

You are mine, Emma Lan! 


Shelley said...

Bless her sweet little heart. I bet it was that she just woke up and then saw Asian people. She probably freaked out thinking that she was back in China!!
I'm sorry~~~~ This too shall pass!!!
She certainly is a beauty Ang!!!

Meishas Mom said...


I kind of think she had a night the day... Meisha had them alot when we got back from China, she don't have them alot now but she did have one last saturday...they are scarey and not a whole lot you can do about them...but I remember lots of time Meisha having them in just the situation you are talking about..
I know this will soon pass...
Tammy & Meisha

Unknown said...

Poor Emma...poor you. (sigh) I'm so sorry. :( Hang in there, Ang. Praying...

Amy Maze said...

You know, Molly kind of did this in China when any Asian woman would approach her. She did NOT want them talking to her at all! If could only know for sure what is going through their little heads! All of these pictures below this post are precious. Emma is adorable and looks so happy!!

tiffany said...

I think you handled this perfectly. I have had to do some things that were hard for some peeps to understand sometimes, but MaMas just know best is the bottom line. I am so glad that Miss E's MaMa already knows this!

Wuxi Mommy said...

This is really interesting. Our daughter (age 4) has now been home a little over a year, and she still flinches when anyone Asian tries speaking to her in Chinese. We were recently standing in line at a Chinese food stand, and the lady behind the counter was so excited to see SuSu and started talking to her in Chinese. SuSu turned away and put her hands over her ears! I think this must bring back memories for her that are really difficult, even though she's been home for 14 months.