Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rhythm and Roots

Every September, there is a fantastic music festival here in my town - Rhythm and Roots.   I even have a few friends who are playing/singing. One friend, Addie, and I went to high school together. We went to meet her at the "meet and greet."

Emma was giving Addie her autograph...yes - my child was holding an opened sharpie...and no one got hurt...well,  maybe the table a little...

there was a ginormous fan there...Emma thought that was a hoot!

Later, Emma has her first taste of Chocolate covered cheesecake on a was a hit!  She was unhappy though that she couldn't hold it on her own.

I have some videos of her dancing that I am trying to upload...she was a HOOT!  Quite the dancer, I tell you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love her dancing! She looks like the sharpie fumes may have gotten to her! LOL!