Saturday, April 2, 2011

A visitor from faraway

Wendy was a high schooler when I was on staff at a church in Indiana.  She was my "go-to" girl - the one I could call at the last minute to sub in a class.  She was and is one of the most dependable, sweetest gals ever.  Last year, she spent some time in Africa and fell in love.  She has certainly found her niche and  I am so proud of her!  She is currently raising support to return to Tanzania.  You can learn more about her journey and ministry here.  She came for a visit and I talked her in to coming to my class and talking about life in Tanzania.

While she was here, we were having a family night at our book fair and I needed to  make an appearance.  Well, guess who else made an appearance at the book fair?
I wasn't sure about what Emma's reaction would tell it all!

Prayers headed your way, Wendy!  Thanks for coming to visit us!

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