Saturday, September 22, 2007

Shine on the Ones I Love

Two years ago, I celebrated my first Harvest Moon Festival with our local support group - Our China Angels. The same day, I had emailed my application to my adoption agency. Now, the paperwork is done...and needing to be redone...and I am almost 8 months into the agonizing wait. I read something this week though that seems to ease the ache a spoke of the privilege of the wait. So many who didn't make the singles cut or for whatever reason no longer meet the strict requirements for adoption from China would LOVE to be where I am. So I count it a blessing...I am privileged to be waiting for my sweet Emma.

As part of our celebration that night, we gathered with candles in a cicle around the children and sang songs to the moon. The last one we sang brought tears to my eyes...

I see the moon
And the moon sees me.
God bless the moon
and God bless me.
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the ones I love.

Over the mountains
Over the sea
Back where my heart is longing to be
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love.

Tonight, we had a great celebration - complete with the BEST fireworks show I have seen in a long time...but we didn't gather with our candles and sing songs to the moon. So all the way home, I sang this song. Then I got my very special candle from that first Harvest Moon, lit it and sang to the moon. Praying for God to bring my sweet girl to me. God is already blessing her...and blessing me in the wait.

Live blessed my friends!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Thank you so much for sharing that, Angie. Reading what you wrote gave me goosebumps and each time I begin to fret about the wait, I will try to think of others that wish they were in my shoes.