Thursday, March 6, 2008

I feel a little like singing...

When I was at Kristi's, everytime we were in the car, the girls would beg for Kristi to put the radio on "Kidstuf." They have satellite radio in the car. Kidstuf is fine for a while, but it does get a little old...not to mention that the songs get inevitably stuck in your head. I have one of those in my head right now and it's making me I haven't in a while.

"It's a good day! It's a good day! Hooray! Hooray!" are the words going throught my head.

Max and I went on an adventure's a beautiful day here in East Tennessee. We went to Burger King for a cheeseburger...I think he got more than I did. I got him a water...he likes to feel like a human and drink out of a cup. Then we went to the pet store to get a new tie out cable. I thought about marketing this broken tie out that works as well as an electric fence! He loved the pet store! Then we went to the park for a walk. I think he thinks he owns that WHOLE park now - he spread his scent EVERYWHERE. No way did he drink THAT much water! Oh well, it was fun and good for both of us! He is plum tuckered out - sound asleep here beside me. What a great feeling. Maybe the light at the end of my tunnel is no longer a train! :)

Another thing that is making me smile is my very favorite Birthday gift. I finally unpacked today and when I pulled it out of my suit case, my heart melted all over again. Maisey made me a beautiful picture of a Chinese dragon...well, I think it's more for Emma. Now to find the perfect frame!

Didn't she do a great job? I love the facial details. Let me remind you that she is just in Kindergarten! I guess I am a little bit biased, but she's THE best Maisey I know! Maisey, Aunt Angie loves you to the moon and back again! Thanks for the best birthday gift ever! Emma will love it!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I love the dragon! Do you think you could make prints and notecards out of it?? Its adorable! Better make sure she is ok w/ the violation of copyright :)