Tonight was a blessing for sure! My friend Sydney planned a "Pre-Surgery Prayer Party" for me. Some of my dearest friends came to support me in prayer...and many more were present in spirit! They came bearing sweet, sweet smelling lotions, notepads, subscription to Netfl*x, a lovely quilted bag...and a journal in which they all wrote a note to me. (haven't read that yet)
We spent a lot of time talking and just enjoying each others company. Later, we gathered around and just had a time of prayer. My friend Leigh, brought her babygirl - Aubrey and she was the highlight of the night. Especially when she began dumping her momma's purse and passing around tampons in the middle of prayer! There's nothing so refreshing as laughing in was such an uplifting time!
I cannot begin to describe the calm and peace that I am feeling - my emotions have been a little less up and down...just feeling so peaceful and blessed and ready for surgery!
I do feel the need to give Sydney a hard time for serving actual FOOD at this shin-dig! I did give them permission to eat though. I told Syd I thought she just just serve popcicles and broth! I wish I had thought to take a picture of the food...but I really didn't want to get too close! :)
Thanks friends for a blessing filled night! I love you all!
And another "gift" that I must add...
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