Friday, March 12, 2010

Not myself...

Is it the weather?  Is it the stress of preparing to travel across the world?  Is it Spring fever?  Is it the fears about becoming a single Momma? 

The past few days, I have just felt out of sorts...anxious...restless...I don't like feeling this way.  I feel like I am letting my baby down for being nervous.  I know it's normal...lots of expectant moms - adoptive and bio have similar feelings...but I'm ready to get over this stage and feel more like myself...


Christy said...

welcome to a new normal...hehehehe! sounds like you've joined the anxious, worrisome ranks of motherhood. ;o) hope to see you soon.

Amy Maze said...

yeah, uummm i am right there with you girl! the preparing to travel and plunk down more money than i have in savings right now is stressing me out big time!! not to mention the fact that my house is still a disaster, i'm entering motherhood, and feel unprepared at times. oh my, the journey we are on! we'll make it!!! thanks for the bday card! it made me smile on an extra anxious day!

Alana said...

You are going to be an AMAZING Mom!!!