Sunday, February 13, 2011

Desperate times...

Desperate measures...

My friend Kristi and I used to joke about selling our "nose tampon" invention.  Now I am think maybe we should have done that!  I have blown my nose - or tried to blow my nose - more times than I care to count. can you have a stuffy nose that will not blow and a runny nose at the same time???  I just don't understand.  Maybe my nose tampon invention is where my millions will be made???

I ahve been fever free all day and was planning to go to school tomorrow - even though I still sound rather like a man.  Seriously - no teacher wishes holidays on subs.  But then...the call...

Emma's sitter's daughter has the flu.  She will be closed all week.  ALL WEEK.

My mom - my "go to gal" - is in San Francisco through Tuesday.

My dad's job is not one that makes him easily able to take off.

UGH!  The joy!

So for at least tomorrow, I am home again with my girl. We will make some treats for my Dad...his birthday is tomorrow.  YEP!  he's a valentine baby!  Now that I am feeling a little better, maybe I can get to the housework that I didn't feel like doing this weekend.


Unknown said...

Oh no! Those are desperate times. Oh, the picture is so sad!

Amy Maze said...

oh well, your classroom will manage with a sub for a bit longer! enjoy your time off and feel better!!

Cindy said...

Oh I wish you lived closer... I would jump at the chance to help out and have your little sweetie over for a play date with Celia while you went to work. Feel better soon... you and everyone around you!

Arganté said...

Very cool, I've been doing that since I was a kid. :D