Monday, January 21, 2008

I almost died twice yesterday

Yesterday was not a stellar day. It started fine...actually it was a better day than I have had in a long while, but it went downhill fast!

My Mom and I went to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner. I love steak...actually, I love A1 steak sauce and steak just happens to go well with A1. Anyway...I was eating my salad which tasted so good to me...that is until I bit into something quite hard. I chewed again and felt a jab in my cheek and gum. In my mind, I was still thinking it was probably a tomato stem or something like that. WRONG! It was a piece of METAL the size of a fork tine. Now this is no fish know...the kind where the fish starts as regular size fish and ends up being 6 feet long? No, this was seriously the size of a fork tine! I wish that I would have had my camera with me! When a waitress came by, I asked to see a manager and I showed her the piece of metal. Her eyes got pretty big. Everyone around was kind of staring. The manager came and at first she tried to play it off as a piece of plastic...still - A FOREIGN OBJECT WAS IN MY SALAD! It's not like it was a hair...although that is totally gross. I could have seriously cut myself or worse, swallowed that piece of metal. I said that all salad makings needed to be pitched and she agreed...I hope that happened. She kindly stated that our meal was free. My steak came...and sadly, I couldn't fully enjoy it because the A1 hurt the cut on my gum.

In hind sight, I should have filled my mouth with ketchup and freaked her out, but I didn't! And I won't sue. Too many useless lawsuits already...things happen. But I gladly accepted the free meal and came home and held L1ster1ine in my mouth as long as I could stand it. Hope that killed any lingering metal cooties! That's near death number 1.

Near death number 2 happened once I got back home. I am sad to admit that I just now took down my Christmas tree. Usually I have it down before I go back to school after Christmas, but life happened and the tree stayed up. Anyway, I was putting things back "together" and decided to move a small space heater to a better, less in the way spot in my living room. Note to self...DO NOT PLUG SPACE HEATERS IN TO EXTENSION CORDS. I am pretty sure the directions tell you that, but I thought it was no big deal. I went to unplug the heater from the extension cord and there was smoke, sparks, stink, crackle sounds, and tingling in the fingers. I immediately dropped the cord and called my parents. I told my Dad to listen on the phone as I unplugged the cord from the wall in case there was an explosion or something. I still think that he thinks I was overreacting, but I have proof. The extension cord and the heater cord are melted together. The cord that went into the wall is all bubbly and melty. I live in an old house with questionable wiring, but this was a stupidity issue. Go around your house right now and make sure that nothing major is plugged in to an extensions cord. I am so thankful that there was not a fire and I was not hurt other than tingly fingers. I may never use another extension cord or space heater!

And while you are praying for my class (see last post) pray that my condo will get done soon so I will be in a place where I won't need space heaters! If a cat has nine lives...wonder how many I get?


Anonymous said...

I hope your school understands what a gem they have for a "K" teacher. Have a better Tuesday. At least you are giving these 2 special children something they aren't getting anywhere else. God bless you Angie.

Shelley said...

Dang Angie!!!!! Do we need to put you in a bubble for a few months??? Seriously...glad you are okay and survived your day.
Hope today is better :-)
love ya

Alana said...

Hey Angie! Didn't know you had a blog until Rochelle told me today. How in the world are you? It looks like you have some exciting times ahead with a new baby girl in your future!