Let me tell you more about her. Her name is Faith - and boy is she growing mine! Faith was born January 20, 2009. She has a large hole in the lower part of her heart- the medical term is VSD. This condition requires surgery. Currently, she is being cared for in a special care foster home in Beijing - Morning Star Family Home. This foster home is run by an American couple named Bill and Lynsay Lewis. They have a tremendous heart for the Lord and for the cause of the orphan. Faith was brought to them from an orphanage just a few months after birth. Though she was malnourished at first, she is gaining weight and is the light of the home! There's not a picture of her anywhere without that bright smile! It is their prayer - and mine - that she will remain in stable condition and gain a bit more weight prior to surgery. She weighs about 15 pounds now and they are hoping that she will be able to reach about 20 pounds prior to surgery. Lynsay said that it is likely that they will schedule her surgery close to the beginning of the year. It will be important for her to have this surgery before her size begins to cause difficulty on her heart. The surgery will cost about $5,000. (USD)
I began fervently praying for someone with $5,000 to come forward willing to pay for her surgery. Then, my friend Tanya made such a wise suggestion. I was feeling so sad that it seemed unlikely for me to be her Momma. Tanya suggested doing something positive...making sure that they had the money needed to provide the surgery for this baby to live. I may not be her Momma, but I sure can do my best to pull together friends, family, and strangers to give this little one what she needs!
So friends, I need your help! Very few people have $5,000 laying around, but LOTS of us have $20 or more that we could give to make a difference. I know and trust that the money you give will go directly to provide this surgery for Faith. Would you please, please, join with me in making a difference for Faith. It is my goal to raise this money - at least $5,000 by December 31, 2009.
No, I may not be her Momma - although I am still praying about that, but at least...at least I will know that I did something to make a positive impact for someone else. You can be a part of that too!
I have created a Chip in where you can donate - right here! just Click the chip in on the right hand side of the blog. Or you can go directly to Morning Star's site to make your donation via PayPal. But don't stop there...in order to make certain that it does go toward Faith's surgery, send a quick email to Bill and Lynsay indicating that you made a donation for Faith. Or, if you want to send a check or give me cash, you are welcome to do that...just email me maxandemma@btes.tv and I will add it all in! I can't wait to see what we can raise - together - for Faith. Any extra raised will also go to help babies at Morning Star!
Oh, sweet friend! I am rejoicing that you are doing this for precious Faith! I have held that baby girl in my arms and I can tell you, she is one special (and giggly) little girly!
I will be backt to donate. I have a lot of pictures of Faith so if you want any of them, I'd be happy to share! And YES, I'll link your post to my blog!
Keep in touch, OK?
Praying for Faith and asking God to make it possible for you to adopt her! She is precious!
I've been thinking of you and Faith a lot Angie, even if I haven't responded to emails--so sorry! I am trying to work on that.
I will try to email you this weekend because I certainly know how it feels to fall in love with a face and want to move mountains to take away tears.
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