Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I have been blessed by your kind thoughts, prayers, comments, and emails after my "disappointing" post.  I wanted to let you know that I am not giving up on China at all...just feeling a little unsettled.  I could certainly chalk that up to the after-effects of anesthesia and pain meds. 

I am healing just fine...preparing to go back to school on Monday - longing for a routine again!  Just had my dinner...a piece of deli ham and a slice of cheese rolled up.  Unbelievable how quickly I get full.  It's a little frustrating to rid myself of the old habits - emotion, boredom, and habit eating.  Eating just doen't have the same "comfort" anymore...I guess that's the point of the surgery.


Unknown said...

I'm counting on you not giving up! It's all just part of the process--God better preparing you for the day He will reveal His plan to you. Hang in there...with your slice of deli meat and cheese...oh boy, yum.

Becky said...

I cannot waiting to see where God is leading you - and one day, a picture of your Emma. I love the song 'While I'm Waiting' by John Waller. By the way, I have a precious daughter who is also waiting.....